Hudson Cultural Services Located in the Hudson Valley

Hudson Cultural Services

History, Archaeology and Historic Preservation

History, Archaeology and Historic Preservation

Archaeological Investigation

Cultural Resource and Historic Preservation Services

Hudson Cultural Services

History, Archaeology and Historic Preservation

Hudson Cultural Services offers a range of cultural resource and historic preservation services. We provide expert guidance for Federal Section 106 reviews, Section 14:09 of the New York State Preservation law and local State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR).

Consultation Process Commitment

HCS collaborates with a highly qualified team of professionals to address all aspects of the cultural resource consultation process including, geologists, paleo-botanists, forensic anthropologists, and osteologists.

Recent Projects

Assessment and Archaeological Monitoring of Site Stripping
Phase 1A Literature Search And Sensitivity Assessment and Phase 1B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey

Archaeological Assessments and Monitoring Projects

Rabbinical Seminary Project, Putnam, New York

Historic Building Assessment and Documentation Stephen Fish Red
Historic Building Assessment and Documentation

Historic Building Assessments and Structure Documentation

Town of Fair Haven, Rutland County, Vermont

Archaeological Investigation & Site Mitigation
Phase 3 Data Recovery

Archaeological Investigation and Site Mitigation

Fisher Site 6, Rensselaer County, New York

Phase 1A Literature Search & Sensitivity Assessment & Phase 1B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey.
Phase 1A Literature Search And Sensitivity Assessment And Phase 1B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey

Cultural Resource Surveys

The Olana State Historic Site Visitors Center, Hudson Columbia County, New York

Telecommunication Facility Cell Tower Location Investigations
Phase 1 Cultural Resource Survey

Telecommunication Facility Location Investigations

Proposed Wireless Telecommunications Site, Hartford County, Connecticut

Geomorphology and Phase 1 Archaeological Survey
Phase 1 Archaeological Survey

Geomorphology and Phase 1 Archaeological Survey

Wawarsing Water District Water Treatment Plant Project, Wawarsing, Ulster County, New York